Yang’s Vision

Optimizing AI for Industry: Beyond Brute Force Computing

In the AI era, increasing speed and computing power should not rely solely on brute-force methods. There are multiple paths to optimize AI for industrial applications, each with distinct advantages. For startups and regions with limited chip technology, paths 2, 3, and 4 provide the best opportunities. At GHE, Lotwork, and HYCO, we prioritize these approaches over brute-force computing, ensuring efficient and sustainable solutions.


How a 59-Year-Old Delivery Driver Increased Deliveries by 44%

Remarkable Results, Even after completing just the first phase of the GHE solution, his performance skyrocketed. He started delivering 360 packages daily, a 44% increase, without requiring Rescuer assistance. Beyond numbers, the improvements: Reduced physical strain. Boosted safety and confidence. Made his job more enjoyable.


Why Amazon’s VAPR Isn’t The Perfect Solution for Package Delivery Retrieval

We at HYCO have also been working on that same problem. Partnered with GHE Solution Inc., we’ve tracked the entire delivery process of various delivery drivers hundreds of times. The GHE Last-mile delivery solution places wireless light tag on each package that provide visual and sound cues that guide the driver to select the right item even in a pile. The wireless light tag use flashing lights and audible beeping sounds to provide ready package identification.


How Small Companies Can Implement An Effective FEFO Inventory Strategy

When it comes time to retrieval, our solution makes the task of picking products easier. Our solution equips racking shelves with wireless light tag that provide a visual and audio signal to a picker for locating the product quickly in the storage area. When the WMS sends a picker down an aisle, that person can immediately spot the location of the product to be acquired.


How We Went From A Prototype For A Ring Scanner To A High-Quality Product

It’s very common for startups and innovation-driven companies to launch a prototype for a market need but then find it hard to refine it into a high quality product that truly satisfies that need. It’s a stumbling block I wanted to avoid in bringing our Hyco ring scanner to market for logistics, manufacturing, and commerce.


How To End The Time Your Delivery Drivers Waste Searching for Packages

Instead of relying on a label for item identification, each package is equipped with a Hyco wireless light tag that provides an audio-visual cue to its whereabouts. When a driver arrives at the delivery destination, the tags provide audio and visual signals so the driver can locate packages in 1 to 5 seconds without having to waste time searching for the correct items in the vehicle.